@jmarcelino ok, thx for this answer! Maybe i shoud introduce you into what my project is and you can tell me what the easiest way would be to implement this. In general i can say i want so send data from a Sensor to anywhere where i can catch the information from and i want so see it everywhere. This is what the IoT is for... ?. I don´t know realy much about programming, cellular network and internet protocols so my first idea was to send a sms or email. Now i know ist possible, but just with other providers or with detour. In my opinion it good to be independent as much as possible. I would like to use the internet via cellularnetwork . Thats why i chosed the GPY. The board can send from anywhere over LTE-NB-IoT. I hope in the near future i can put my sim-card inside the GPY and connect to the Internet. So this is the way i´ll send my data. Could this work?! :S But how to recieve and which transfer method would be good for sending via internet? Today i tried sending data with MQTT via WLAN. The example from https://www.hackster.io/bucknalla/mqtt-micropython-044e77 worked very good with my GPY! I also have seen that i can open my own MQTT-Server with https://mosquitto.org/ . Do you know: Would this also work with the LTE-module in the future? Is there a better solution you can recommend me? Maybe some thing with FTP- or MYSQL_Server(to heavy?)?! Thank you very much! Andy